Adobe Flash

Name button instances

You'll provide instance names for the buttons on the Stage so that you can refer to the instance names in ActionScript.

  1. On the lower-right side of the Stage, select the button at the left.

    In the Property inspector (Window > Properties > Properties), type goScene_btn in the Instance Name text box to name the instance of the symbol.

  2. Select the middle button and use the Property inspector to give the button an instance name of attachMovie_btn.

  3. Select the far-right button and use the Property inspector to give the button an instance name of playSound_btn.

Add a scene

You can use scenes in Flash to organize your document into discrete sections that can contain content exclusive of other scenes. You'll create and add content to a new scene.

  1. Select Insert > Scene.

    You can no longer see Scene 1, and Scene 2 now appears above the Stage. The Stage is empty.

  2. From the Library panel (Window > Library), drag the Animation movie clip to the Stage.

    With the movie clip selected, use the Property inspector to give the instance an x coordinate of 200 and a y coordinate of 15. Press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh).

    The movie clip moves to the designated Stage coordinates.

  3. Use the Property inspector to give the Animation movie clip an instance name of animation_mc.

  4. Rename Layer 1 Animation.

    Create a new layer and name it Buttons. Drag an instance of the BTNback symbol to the Stage, and place it anywhere to the right of the movie clip.

  5. Use the Property inspector to give the button an instance name of back_btn.