Visual Basic

Some Strategic Issues

Before we take a closer look at Visual Basic 6, we need to examine several general factors: priorities, technological progress, and overall project organization. Without understanding and controlling these factors, the best developers in the world can't avoid producing defects. These issues are not really Visual Basic 6-specific. Their effect is more on the whole development process. To extend the bug/beastie analogy onto even shakier ground, these are the real gargoyles of the bug world. Their presence permeates a whole project, and if left unrecognized or untamed they can do severe and ongoing damage.

Priorities: The Four-Ball Juggling Act

Software development is still much more of an art than a science. Perhaps one area in which we can apply a discipline more reminiscent of normal engineering is that of understanding and weighing the different aspects of a project. In almost any project, four aspects are critical:

  1. The features to be delivered to the users
  2. The hardware, software, and other budgets allocated to the project
  3. The time frames in which the project phases have to be completed
  4. The number of known defects with which the project is allowed to go into production

Balancing these four factors against one another brings us firmly into the realm of classical engineering trade-offs. Concentrating on any one of these aspects to the exclusion of the others is almost never going to work. Instead, a continuous juggling act is required during the life of most projects. Adding a new and complicated feature might affect the number of production bugs. Refusing to relax a specific project delivery date might mean reducing the number of delivered features. Insisting on the removal of every last bug, no matter how trivial, might significantly increase the allocated budgets. So the users, managers, and developers make a series of decisions during the life of a project about what will (or won't) be done, how it will be done, and which of these four aspects takes priority at any specific time.

The major requirement here from the zero-defect point of view is that all the project members have an explicit understanding about the relative importance of each of these aspects, especially that of production bugs. This consensus gives everybody a framework on which to base their decisions. If a user asks for a big new feature at the very end of the project, he or she has no excuse for being unaware of the significant chance of production bugs associated with the new feature, or of the budget and schedule implications of preventing those bugs from reaching production. Everybody will realize that a change in any one of these four areas nearly always involves compromises in the other three.

A project I was involved with some time ago inherited a legacy Microsoft SQL Server database schema. We were not allowed to make any significant structural changes to this database, which left us with no easy way of implementing proper concurrency control. After considering our project priorities, we decided to do without proper concurrency control in order to be able to go into production on the planned date. In effect, we decided that this major design bug was acceptable given our other constraints. Knowing the original project priorities made it much easier for us to make the decision based on that framework. Without the framework, we would have spent significant time investigating potential solutions to this problem at the expense of the more important project schedules. When pointed out in black and white, our awareness of the project's priorities seems obvious. But you'd be surprised at the number of projects undertaken with vague expectations and unspecified goals. Far too often, there is confusion about exactly which features will be implemented, which bugs will be fixed, and how flexible the project deadlines and budgets really are.

Some final thoughts Look at your project closely, and decide the priorities in order of their importance. Determine how important it is for your project to go to production with as few bugs as possible. Communicate this knowledge to all people involved in the project, including the users. Make sure that everyone has the framework in which to make project decisions based on these and other priorities.