3D Graphics

Apply Material to knife model in Blender

In this section we'll apply material and lighting to our model. We also make a scene by adding ground, walls and some finalized knives instances.

  1. Now we are going to apply material. Select the blade and open the materials tab.

  2. We want the blade to be shiny so, change Specular Intensity to 0.9, and hardness to 11.

  3. Now apply the material to the handle, select the handle, go to the materials tab, select new and name the material handle. Choose the black color, set hardness to 67 and Specular intensity to 0.3.

  4. You can join blade and holder by selecting them both and pressing CTRL + J. Now, we are going to paint some blood on the blade. Select the blade. Go into the vertex mode from the bottom panel.

  5. You will notice that your mouse has a circular brush round it. Change the color to dark red from the left menu. This menu can appear/disappear by pressing the T key.

  6. Paint the blade.

  7. Now if you press the F12 key, you will notice that the rendered image won't show the painted area. To fix that go in to the blade's material and select Vertex Color Paint under the Options tab.

  8. The rendered image should look like this.

  9. Now, we move to the floor and the walls. Create a plane by pressing SHIFT + A. If the blender cursor is not in center, you can put it back in center by pressing SHIFT + S, a menu will pop up select Cursor To Center.

    While the plane is selected, add a new material to the plane by going to the material tab. Select the plane, go to the texture panel. Click on New.

  10. Under the Image option click open, you can select your desired texture. For Example. I am using this.

  11. You need to change the Coordinates from UV to Generated. To do this in the textures panel, go to the Mapping tab, change the coordinates from UV to Generated.

  12. And the result would be this.

  13. So , we need to change the dimensions of our plane and make the texture repeat itself so that it looks suitable. So, we can increase the size of plane by pressing S key. To make the texture like tiled or repetitive, go to Image Mapping tab, below Repeat, change X and Y parameters to 9.

  14. The result.

  15. We need to add a Normal Map, to make Normal Map of your texture go to this link http://cpetry.github.io/NormalMap-Online/, you must create the normal map of the texture you applied on the floor.

    Once, you have created the normal map, in the texture panel, make new texture and add normal map to it. Do same settings to it we did for the texture. Change the coordinates from UV to Generated in mappings tab. And in the image mapping X and Y parameters should be 9.

    In the Influence tab, uncheck the color parameter, and select the normal one in geometry.

  16. The image should look something like this. We are now able to see the bumps.

  17. Now add some more lights and a wall, the wall can be textured by the same technique as the floor. I am going to rotate it so that it looks like it is lying on the floor. I'm going to make some duplicates of it. We can add multiple lights by pressing Shift+A > Lamps > Point lights. You can change increase the hardness of the walls from the material tab. I am using brick texture for the wall.

  18. The final result.