MS Access

Freezing a Field

Most tables have so much information that it won't all fit on the same screen. When this happens, you have to scroll through the datasheet to add, delete, modify, and view information.

Freeze a field by right-clicking the field name and selecting Freeze Columns from the shortcut menu.

Information in the frozen field remains on the screen as you scroll and move through the table.

The problem with scrolling and viewing information in a large table is that it can be confusing when you can't see such important information as names or product numbers.

To overcome this problem, you can freeze a field so it stays in the same place while you scroll around the rest of the table.

  1. If it isn't already open, open the Employees table.

    Here's how to freeze a field.

  2. Right-click the Last Name field name and select Freeze Columns from the shortcut menu, as shown in figure.

    The Last Name field is now frozen and will always remain visible as you move through the rest of the table. Try scrolling the table window to see for yourself.

  3. Scroll the table to the right to view all its data.

    Notice how the frozen Last Name field stays on the screen as you scroll the table, allowing you to always be able to see the last name for each record, as shown in figure. Now you're ready to unfreeze the Last Name field.

  4. Select Format » Unfreeze All Columns from the menu.

All the fields in the table are now unfrozen.

To freeze a column:

  • right-click the column field name you want to freeze and select freeze columns from the shortcut menu.

to unfreeze a column:

  • select format » unfreeze all columns from the menu.